Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions. We’re a small company and there is a time difference, expect to hear back from us in 12 hours or so.

Please use our FAQs first as they may answer the question you have. Our 90-day Guarantee hasn’t changed since we released our first version “v1” in 2002 and returns from non-responders is under 5% since 2011. We started learning about electric and magnetic fields in 1996.

Congratulations on discovering EarthPulse™ PEMF and welcome to the first day of your new life!

In a world of phonies and frauds, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. This is the next part of your life from a company, who like the inventor is compulsively honest. We’re here for the smart ones and the ones with common sense (which unfortunately is not very common these days).

    "Business" option is only for health and wellness professionals, resellers, or partnership inquiries. A message will be received by our business development team. Customer inquiries received on this address will no longer be forwarded to customer support. Please choose the Support option if you are an individual user and wish to contact us.


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    Contact Address

    Kerala 695311
    Phone No:  +91-8943118118
    Email: support@earthpulse.net