Sleep quality and health being negatively affected due to relationship between Sleep EMF RF (radio frequency) being pumped into our ionosphere at rate of billions of Watts per hour 24 / 7. W.O. Schumann a German physicist, discovered in 1952 that there is a resonant cavity between the earth’s surface and the ionosphere containing a frequency modulated electromagnetic field in the spectrum from below 1 Hz to more than 100 Hz. Notice in the graph below that the amplitude of the dominant frequencies of these “Schumann Waves” is below 14 Hz.
Notice also the distinct peaks in the Delta range heretofore mistakenly not “recognized” Schumann frequencies. In the past I’d called these 1.5 and 2.5 Hz. Now there is good reason to believe those small peaks are 1.2 and 2.4 Hz.
The Russian Space Agency discovered that Schumann- wave generators in space craft (formerly void of fluctuating magnetic fields) improved the health and well being of astronauts on extended space voyages; especially effects upon bone density. N.A.S.A. included them in the design of the Space Station to fend off osteoporosis, muscle wasting and other effects of zero gravity during extended Station missions because it works. The $4K – $5K QRS system claims to be going to space with NASA.
Although peer reviewed studies show astounding anti-osteoporosis / bone wasting effects, the FDA has effectively sidelined this simple technology for routine, age-related bone loss.
We are describing a very narrow healthy frequency band where frequencies above 15 Hz have been shown in dozens of frequency specific animal studies to cause negative behavioral modification; above 20 Hz to cause stress hormone production. You’ll notice that the highest amplitude peak in the graph below is (as it should be) 7.8 Hz and is what most people mistakenly believe is “THE” Schumann resonance. In reality Schumann resonance is a SPECTRUM of frequencies with the majority of its amplitude below 15 Hz, and with peaks at around 1 Hz, 2.5 Hz, 7.8 Hz, 14.1 Hz, 20.3 Hz, and higher. You’ll see below this is no longer true.
The graph at right is what Schumann spectrum looks like when not shielded from 60 Hz electrical wiring. Notice again the peak in Delta-rhythm and that the amplitude of the 60 Hz wiring is far above any otherfrequencies.
What is remarkable is these fields overlay the stress-free human EEG almost perfectly. Notice again the peaks at about 1.5 Hz and 2.5 Hz within the Delta rhythm band (these are included in Sleep on Command™ sleep-mode programs). These low frequencies are what used to naturally help provide a fairly strong signal to “entrain” to during the nighttime to help us to achieve Delta rhythm sleep. If you look at the 60 Hz spike you can see it is far “louder” than the peaks in what would correspond to Delta and Theta waves.
Changing Schumann Resonance
Now direct your attention to a more recent graph of Schumann taken in the high desert well outside of Taos New Mexico averaged over a period of hours (perhaps days). You’ll notice now as of 2010 the
low end of Schumann (below 14.1 Hz) is now completely outweighed by frequencies higher than 20 Hz. For more evidence on the change in Schumann see Morphing Schumann Resonance & Brain Wave Entrainment.
The relationship between the earth’s geomagnetic fields, sleep, EMF, RF Radio Frequencies
7.8 the traditional high spike in Schumann is now lower than the spike at 32.something. This is very disturbing and is one more reason people are not sleeping. Evidently pumping billions of Watts of RF into the atmosphere since WWII has morphed one of Mother Natures masterpieces. Now, even OFF the grid you’re not likely to sleep very well except if you’re sleeping on the ground, horizontal to the electromagnetic resonation coming from Earth’s core.
Equally important, the mitochondria (cell power plants) respond particularly well to frequencies falling within this narrow frequency band (especially 10 Hz) and are debilitated (or worse by RF.) We’ve used 9.6 Hz since inception in 2001 and is our primary use frequency for sleep, recovery and longevity.
Research during 5 decades (much of it in former Soviet Union) conclusively showed that a 10 Hz field produced the most exceptional healing and tissue regenerating effects in several dozen peer reviewed publications. In 2003 NASA discovered a 10 Hz field for 17 – 21 days turned gene sequences for maturation -OFF- and for developmental -ON-. Further, it found a four fold increase in rate of neural tissue regeneration. We have used 9.6 Hz as our RECOVER-MODE program since 2001.
In 2007 James Tong found 10 Hz TRIPLED nerve synapse energy and DOUBLED mitochondrial density at nerve synapses within MINUTES. In the linked chart (which may be enlarged by clicking on it) compare unstimulated control mitochondria (white circles) with 10 Hz stimulated (black circles) in upper and lower segments.
In 1989 David Hood found 30+ days 10 hours per day 10 Hz stimulation increased two critical enzymes of cell respiration, citrate synthase and cytochrome c oxidase by factors of 3x. This would be consistent with our finding of improved oxygen metabolism by frequencies utilized by our Sleep on Command™ device. See results of RBH test in our clients.
The Schumann waves encircle the earth horizontal to the ground in a spectrum resembling the graph above, while 9.6 Hz resonates from the Earth’s molten core perpendicular to the ground (Bob Beck’s interview that included disclosure of his experimental discovery of the 9.6 Hz resonance has been lost). See Why 9.6 Hz?
Recent study into the workings of cells’ mitochondria find that 10 Hz stimulation (see studies linked above) greatly enhances mitochondrial adaptation to both physical and neurological demands. It is no coincidence that pulsed magnetic fields at or around 10 Hz have produced BY FAR the best effects in dozens and dozens of published, peer reviewed studies; particularly those published by the Eastern Europeans circa 1970-1990.
It should now be self evident that the phenomenal healing effects of 10 Hz are attributable to mitochondrial response to that very particular frequency. In other peer-reviewed studies, 10 Hz found to promote mitochondrial replication and trafficking within the cell. We have found 10 Hz to have the most profound sports performance ergogenic enhancement.
It is this Earth’s-pulse that is the primary reason you sleep so well on camping trips. It’s not the fresh air and exercise; it’s sleeping in touch with Mother-Earth and receiving Her vital frequency of 9.6 Hz and an unadulterated range of low-end Schumann. Until recently most camping was done outside of the wireless telecommunications “grid”. Now even camping, unless you’ve got weak signal on your phone, you are well within the grid.
Sleeping close to or in contact with the ground is far better than sleeping at home several feet (or more) above it, with 50/60 Hz electric fields, and full strength radio frequency from telecommunications grid (and in-range wireless networks) permeating your bedroom and living spaces. Pretty bleak picture overall; and why you can expect your sleep to deteriorate even more with time, especially if HD TV broadcasting and large scale Wi-MAX is rolled out in your area.
Earthing or Earth-tethering systems attempt to address this problem and it is admittedly better than nothing. But for about the same price range you can get an Earthing system on steroids….the Sleep on Command™ sleep, longevity and recovery system.
EMP is foreign to the body and up until the 1980’s, AC power frequency (50-60 Hz depending upon your geographic location) and weak TV and radio station broadcasts was all that broadly existed; the body tolerated it fairly well.
However, EMP broke the tolerance threshold and detrimentally arrived on the scene with the arrival of home wireless telephones during the 80’s (usually everyone had an extension in their bedroom next to their bed), then cellular phone networks arrived in the 90’s and cellular now propagates within every urban area in the world with denser and denser layers of information. As stated above, since the cellular telephone roll-out, sleep quality has suffered. Each year as cellular becomes more dense, sleep quality will diminish along with it.
Wireless computer networks permeate our work and school (and in many cases our bedrooms) and with the combination of cellular and wireless networks, our species has reached the tipping point. We are now finding it difficult or impossible to quiet our mind at night and get a good nights sleep. Children diagnosed with ADD/ADHD are known to be poor sleepers.
Forget about what RF microwave does to your sleep for the moment and lets consider species survival. Bee colony collapse disorder and sparrow population decrease is the proverbial canary in the coal mine so far as RF is concerned.
So is the marked deterioration of sleep quality in adolescent and infantile sleep quality (National Sleep Foundation / Pampers® survey autism completed in November ’05 found that even babies and toddlers under 5 y.o. aren’t sleeping nearly as well as they did 2 decades ago). Factor in the increased rate of ADHD and the STEEP increase in autism seen in the chart at right. Notice after a relatively stable 1-4 cases per 10,000 throughout history until 1980, the incidence curve turns straight up just about when the first cellular phone networks opened for business. The “official” incidence of autism is now 1:100, but based on the chart above it was 1:75 10 years ago and that chart-line is awfully steep.
It wouldn’t surprise us they “cooked” the official number (like Wall Street) and that it is actually higher than 1:100. Here’s the only study done on RF and Autism (back in 2003! when autism was 1 in 500). I’d bet there are 10 times more cell phone masts since 2003. It’s getting worse and worse every day. Remember there’s lag time with cancer, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and the myriad of modern neurological maladies, which means we’re seeing cancer rates today that started 5 years ago or more.
A reasonable person could argue steeply increased cancer incidence from 1:100 in the 1960’s to 1:3 males and 1:4 females coincides well with the technological “advancements” in telecommunications. So as with ADD / ADHD, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and the myriad of modern neurological maladies. It is clear all around you. Its not just financial stress driving the average person “crazy”.
If you don’t protect yourself you “simply” aren’t being very intelligent. EarthPulse™ PEMF therapy devices are the most potent form of EMF protection on the planet and help your body cope during the day with naturally produced, higher levels of healthy energy. Even if you sleep great and aren’t interested in enhancing physical or mental performance levels, but for protecting yourself at the sub-cellular level, you should be.
NO safe levels of radiofrequency (RF) microwave
There are NO safe levels of exposure to electromagnetic fields above the frequency of 15 Hz due to their negative effect upon the neurological system.Dozens of peer reviewed research studies (see frequency specific animal studies) showed animals exposed chronically to frequencies above 15 Hz resulted in detrimental behavioral changes and above 20 Hz stress hormone production. Once nearing power frequency transmission at 50/60 Hz the mitochondria become severely debilitated and cancer likely results over time. Watch this video start to finish and you’ll recognize just how bad the threat of radiofrequency (RF) is to your health.
The neurological system is the most sensitive antenna ever devised, and the mitochondria inside every cell of the body including the neurological system may be more sensitive than that. Professor Photios Anninos discovered he could beneficially affect Epilepsy and Parkinson’s patients with fields in the PicoTesla range. All you have to know about PicoTesla is that it’s about 500 times weaker than Earth’s natural magnetic signal. The key here is that Anninos uses a frequency in the 7 Hz – 10 Hz range. Dr. Reuven Sandyk re-proved Anninos discovery through 90+ peer-reviewed studies using 8 Hz frequency in the same PicoTesla range.
RF not only impairs the cells’ mitochondria destroying your power generation system, it acutely impairs brain’s ability to reach deep, Delta-rhythm sleep where cellular repair occurs most efficiently. It upsets the natural resonation (think of it as de-tuning an engine) of the mitochondria, debilitating the cellular energy pool so even when you do finally get to sleep, the energy “pooling” is minimized.
Under this condition the body lacks sufficient energy required for repair, regeneration, immune function and hormone synthesis. So, you are not only sleeping poorly and suffering from lack of sleep, you are also de-tuning the cellular power-plants and your body deteriorates faster allowing any number of disease states to take over the cells.
I propose that all disease is related to mitochondria dysfunction due to insufficient daily repair which over time self propagates and until it accelerates out of control. Trauma repair is directly related to mitochondrial energy production and over 5 decades in dozens of studies, the 10 Hz clinically applied stimulation studies provided the very-best results in all.
Healthy Brain-Wave Rhythms:
Beta frequencies lie above 12 Hz and when you are in active thought process with no stress you’re brain-wave signature is predominated by 12 – 14 Hz low-Beta-rhythm. Beta frequencies, 12 to 14 Hz, are “normal” predominant rhythms that occur during concentration. Frequencies above lower-mid-Beta occur when agitated or fearful. If you are in fight-or-flight, then you are in the mid to high-Beta-rhythm brain state.
The mid to high Beta-rhythm and Gamma-rhythm brain state is required for human survival and has some physiological benefits, but excessive exposure to these higher brain frequencies (at the expense of frequencies at 14 Hz and below) is not healthy, and cumulatively cause stress related health effects including poor sleep and increased production of stress hormones like cortisol.
If you are stuck in a mid to high-Beta brain state then you cannot sleep and you cannot heal or maintain hormonal homeostasis. To maintain robust health, quality of life, bolster immunity and have a positive outlook on life, then deep sleep and avoidance of mid-high Beta-rhythm states are mandatory.
Alpha frequencies lie between 8 and 12 Hz and predominate when you are relaxed, calm, and in a meditative state. The once predominant 7.83 Hz is just about right on the cross over between Theta and Alpha.
Theta frequencies lie between 4 and 8 Hz and predominate during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. Theta can predominate when in awakened states under certain circumstances. Some say one experiences dream-like mental imagery and creativity during Theta-rhythm predominance.
States of deep sleep are called Delta-rhythm and lie below 4 Hz. There are strong relationships between hormonal response, healing, and immunity when Delta-rhythm predominates during deep sleep.
This is also when energy demand for supporting the body is at its lowest. Heartbeat slows, breathing slows, brain activity is minimal; therefore Delta-rhythm sleep is the only time body can sequester excess energy for the physiological and psychological recovery and maintenance activities.
Notice in the “Classical” Schumann graphs above, that the most dominant Schumann amplitudes lie under 14 Hz which correlate with low-Beta, Alpha, Theta and Deltabrain states -or- active thought process, calm, relaxed, light and then deep sleep respectively.
Notice too that aggregate amplitude (signal strength) in Delta-Theta is greater than the Alpha-Beta. This is not coincidental correlation; it is the way nature keeps us psychologically and physiologically in balance and able to shut our brains down at night, while remaining relatively stress free and focused during the day. Unfortunately it appears as if this is no longer true.
Brain-Wave Entrainment to Schumann Resonance:
Entrainment occurs when our mind-body state locks into the rhythm of an external oscillator (like the EarthPulse™). The external oscillator is either undesirable EMP (causing stress and poor sleep) or the beneficial Schumann and geomagnetic field frequencies (which are simply too weak for the body/brain to “hear” through the EMP.
Normally the brain structure called the thalamus controls our brain waves. Either Schumann resonances and geomagnetic fields or EMP are ‘picked up’ by magnetite-bearing brain tissues in the thalamus and particularly the pineal gland (responsible for melatonin production that is our most important anti-oxidant due to ability to pass the blood-brain barrier – its ability to protect DNA in body and brain – and its affect on the circadian-rhythm).
During these intervals ENTRAINMENT occurs, the brain’s pacemaker is external: either the Schumann resonances & geomagnetic field (beneficial) or (detrimental) RF and power frequency electric fields. Unfortunately unless outside the grid, the later is the rule.
We were meant to be relaxed and meditative with natural-magnetic-fields being the pacer; but increasingly we are not because these natural fields have been lost beneath the higher amplitude of man made high frequency fields. More recently it seems that even if entrained by these natural magnetic fields, they are no longer below the low-Beta-rhythm threshold.
In November 2006 researchers at the U of Wisconsin described a method of using 1 Hz (Delta rhythm) transcranial magnetic stimulation to trigger slow way sleep. Earlier the same month the University of Lubeck, Germany reported that 1 Hz transcranial electric stimulation resulted in deeper sleep and improved memory consolidation. In contrast, a study published in -’08 January- through the prestigious Karolinska Institute and Wayne State University showed cell phone radiation delayed Delta -slow wave- sleep onset. Nighttime EEG recording of subjects exposed to externally applied Delta rhythm signals show enhanced slow wave sleep throughout the night.
In contrast to our sonogram, the U of WI tested effects of magnetic fields hundreds, if not thousands of times more powerful than ours. Their study had to be shut down because of overheating of the magnetic coil due to the prolonged activation of it.
In several thousand clients we’ve proven EarthPulse™ promotes sleep with a very weak, near earth-amplitude signal typically generated from under their mattress during the nighttime which overshadows nearly if not all of the RF and power frequency fields.
“I have used the EarthPulse™ pulsed-magnetic sleep-machine to help with my sleep problems and have found it to be remarkably effective in not only creating a more satisfactory nighttime sleep regimen but also improving my daytime alertness. At age 81 one expects some physiologic sleep disturbances mainly in the depth of sleep and also involving more frequent awakenings. This technology restored my sleep pattern to much of its earlier characteristics. I also noted having delightful dreams and having the ability to remember them on awakening. No doubt light sleep was also enhanced. I have used it on several other subjects as well with similar results.” Ron Lawrence, MD, PhD Neurologist
“I highly recommend this product. It has solved my problem of waking several times
per night.” Dr. Steven Sinatra, Cardiologist-Editor Heart, Health & Nutrition
“You have certainly come up with something that helps me sleep” Robert O. Becker, MD
“Nearly all psychological, neurological and physiological disease including aging, is the end result of mitochondrial dysfunction; and NOT the other way around. Since RF has been repeatedly shown to cause mitochondrial dysfunction, I believe it to be the most potentially devastating element of modern life. More so than toxic chemicals, more so than genetically modified foods, more so than drugs and alcohol; because they can be nearly be completely avoided and radio frequency quite simply cannot.” Paul F. Becker, Esq.
EarthPulse™ Magnetic Field Supplementation Compensates for Loss of Schumann Resonance:
So, how do we “re-tune” ourselves to restore our depleted mental and physical energies?
Just as vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids from food are essential biochemical compounds required for healthy survival, so also do our mitochondria require “geomagnetic vitamins” supplied by the Earth’s geomagnetic AND Ionospheric (Schumann) fields. Think of these “geomagnetic vitamins” as a tuning fork that help us maintain a relaxed, low-stress state that make it easy to sleep; and on the other hand able to achieve and maintain optimum efficiency during aerobic and / or anaerobic metabolism. These essential “geomagnetic vitamins” are partially if not fully blocked out by EMP.
Our neurological system is made up of miles of neuronal tissues. They act like antennae picking up the entire spectrum of magnetic fields. We were designed to be specifically tuned to Schumann and Earth resonances and we have become slowly (unnoticeable) crippled in the presence of higher frequency electropollution.
Like the analogy of the Frog in pot of water that is heated slowly, we are slowly-but-surely being ‘cooked’ and don’t even know it. Another analogy might be recharging a dead battery with the wrong type and strength of electricity. If there is a short circuit or the input amperage is too high or too low, or the frequency, or current type (AC vs. DC) is wrong, the entire system breaks down catastrophically.
Much like the battery example above, higher frequency man-made EMP essentially robs our cells’ natural ability to generate and stockpile adenosine triphosphate (ATP) the fuel that fires all cellular processes. The body’s control and power generation mechanisms subsequently fail in unison.
On the other hand, feed the body with the correct frequency(s) and miraculous things can happen to sleep, strength, stamina and healing.
EarthPulse™ PEMF devices produce a spectrum of these “geomagnetic vitamins” from very low-Delta to very low-Beta wave frequencies with special attention paid to the mitochondrial 10 Hz frequency requirements. Once the hockey puck sized electromagnet is placed between the mattress and box spring, you get an 8 hour ‘dose’ of your geomagnetic vitamins. The sweep back up to Low-Beta in the morning assists the user to waking-up.
What you can expect is;
- deeper more restful sleep
- better focus and executive performance
- enhanced daytime energy
- better aerobic capacity
- vastly improved recovery
- more flexibility
- a 10% increase in muscular strength within just 14 days (another 10% over course of 90-days)
- a 20% increase in stamina within just 14 days (another 20% over the course of 90-days)
Sure it sounds too good to be true, but it’s not. We have ALWAYS sold our device (since 2002) with a 90 day, money-back SATISFACTION guarantee (since Dec. 2008 when upgrading to our current program, returns for refund at only 6% of sales); Since January 2011 return rate under 4%.
See also; the Radiation Poisoning of America article (Oct. ’07); long but a good read; an ’08 January study about how cell phone radiation delays Delta -slow wave- sleep onset from the prestigious Karolinska Institute. This new link is one of the most complete articles I’ve seen on man-made EMF and came out recently. This link takes you to a very informative BBC television program about WiFi.
You'll have 90 days to try EarthPulse™ risk free.