Pulsed electromagnetic field for various eye problems, optic nerve regeneration and glaucoma was pioneered in Soviet era Russia. Unfortunately, the line of research has never been pursued, and internationally it is little known.
The application of electrical stimulation is based on the potential of the vision system to adapt to functional and structural changes that can be induced by external influence. Significant changes (induced plasticity of visual system) in the functional state of the entire brain vision system is possible. DC electrical stimulation for vision enhancement at microcurrent levels can be done with our new E-Stim Electrical Stimulation Machine and much testing was done for this.
With regular PEMF, many people remark their eye-sight stop getting worse with age. The longer you use sleep with EarthPulse™, the less-old your eye’s get.
The study below is done at 50 Hz (far too high) and i’m rather surprised it worked at all. The 10 Hz study on optic nerve regeneration is lost to posterity. Perhaps its in a stack of papers in a cardboard box in Florida. I am unable to find that study on PubMed.
Oftalmol Zh. 1990;(3):154-7.
[The effect of a pulsed electromagnetic field on the hemodynamics of eyes with glaucoma].
[Article in Russian]
Tsisel’skiĭ IuV, Kashintseva LT, Skrinnik AV.
The influence of pulse electromagnetic field (PEMF) on hemodynamics of the eye in open-angle glaucoma has been studied by means of a method and a device proposed at the Filatov Institute. The PEMF characteristics are: impulse frequency–50 Hz, exposition–0,02 sec., impulse shape–square, rate of impulse rise–4.10(4) c rate of magnetic induction rise–2.10(4) mT/c, amplitude value of magnetic induction at the impulse height–9.0–8.5 mT, duration of the procedure–7 min., a course–10 sessions. Observations over 150 patients (283 eyes) with latent, initial and advanced glaucoma have shown a positive influence of PEMF on hemodynamics of a glaucomatous eye: a rise of rheographic coefficient and relative volume pulse in 87,99 and 81,63%, respectively. The degree of the rise and restoration frequency of rheographic values of the glaucomatous eye under the influence of PEMF to the age norm was more expressed at initial stages of the glaucomatous process (latent and initial glaucoma).

Anecdotally, since mid 2002 the author’s vision has improved consistently each 2 years since sleeping on EarthPulse™. Both eye-glass and contact lens prescriptions are 1/2 what it was in 2004 when loss of vision began reversing. Many people remark their eye-sight stop getting worse with age. The longer you use sleep with EarthPulse™, the less-old your eye’s (glaucoma) get.
I noticed I wasn’t seeing my computer very screen very well and decided it was time for a visit to the eye doctor thinking my eye sight had gotten another step worse. It turned out I wasn’t seeing very well because my prescription was too strong.
Here you can see fairly recent history back to what was my 2007 contact lens prescription card. In 2002 the little “rhyme” I’d use to remember to tell myself what eye the lenses corresponded to was “6 in the left & 5 in the right”. My contacts were 6.25 Left and 5.75 Right in 2002. Then in the 2010 card i received just prior to leaving the U.S. you’ll see it’s dropped further (along with two unused boxes of old lenses)
You’ll see my current prescription at the bottom as of 2014. 3.75 in BOTH eyes!…from 6.25 and 5.75 in 2002.
Gizmo the yorke-maltese who nearly lived to 18 years old after kidney failure at 16 y.o. due to a steroid-antibiotic shot, had cloudy – old dog eyes at 8 y.o. At 16 they were as clear as a dog 5 or 6 years old. Click here to watch her in action to see how good her vision was in the featured video. (The cloudy white dot in the middle of her eye is a reflection of the window behind me – the bright white dot is the reflection of the sun shining in the window I used to take the photo).
Here’s one study on PEMF for Eyes that should be of particular interest.
Vestn Oftalmol. 1996 Jan-Mar;112(1):6-8.
[Possibilities of magnetotherapy in stabilization of visual function in patients with glaucoma].
[Article in Russian]
Bisvas Shutanto Kumar, Listopadova NA.
The procedure is administered to a patient in a sitting posture with magnetic inductor held before the eye. The duration of a session is 10 min, a course consists of 10 sessions. (Short exposure – emphasis added) Untreated eyes (n = 15) of the same patients were examined for control. The patients were examined before and 4 to 5 months after MT course. Vision acuity improved by 0.16 diopters, on an average, in 29 eyes (96.7%) out of 30 with vision acuity below 1.0 before treatment. Visocontrastometry was carried out using Visokontrastometer-DT device with spatial frequency range from 0.4 to 19 cycle/degree (12 frequencies) and 125 x 125 monitor. The orientation of lattices was horizontal and vertical. The contrasts ranged from 0.03 to 0.9 (12 levels). MT brought about an improvement of spatial contrast sensitivity by at least 7 values of 12 levels in 22 (84.6%) out of 26 eyes and was unchanged in 4 eyes.
PEMF Therapy for Eyes – Glaucoma, Cataract & Vision Enhancement – Bibliography
To read the original source, use Pubmed, copy and paste the title of the citation into the search bar.
Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult. 2010 Sep-Oct;(5):21-4.
[Magnetotherapy designed to affect cervical sympathetic ganglia for the treatment of patients with primary open-angle glaucoma].
[Article in Russian]
Veselova EV, Kamenskikh TG, Raĭgorodkiĭ IuM, Kolbenev IO, Myshkina ES.
Biofizika. 2004 Jul-Aug;49(4):756-9.
[Physiological basis of a possible increase in the efficacy of the photo- and magnetotherapy of the visual nerve upon partial atrophy and ischemia].
[Article in Russian]
Shlygin VV, Tiuliaev AP, Ioĭleva EE, Maksimov GV.
Vestn Oftalmol. 2002 May-Jun;118(3):15-7.
[Laser magnetotherapy after cataract extraction with implantation of intraocular lens].
[Article in Russian]
Maksimov VIu, Zakharova NV, Maksimova IS, Golushkov GA, Evseev SIu.
Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult. 1999 Sep-Oct;(5):7-9.
[The characteristics of the geroprotective action of magnetotherapy in elderly patients with combined cardiovascular pathology].
[Article in Russian]
Abramovich SG, Fedotchenko AA, Koriakina AV, Pogodin KV, Smirnov SN.
Central hemodynamics, diastolic and pumping functions of the heart, myocardial reactivity, microcirculation and biological age of cardiovascular system were studied in 66 elderly patients suffering from hypertension and ischemic heart disease. The patients received systemic magnetotherapy which produced a geroprotective effect as shown by improved microcirculation, myocardial reactivity, central hemodynamics reducing biological age of cardiovascular system and inhibiting its ageing.
Vestn Oftalmol. 1996 Jan-Mar;112(1):6-8.
[Possibilities of magnetotherapy in stabilization of visual function in patients with glaucoma].
[Article in Russian]
Bisvas Shutanto Kumar, Listopadova NA.
Courses of magnetotherapy (MT) using ATOS device with 33 mT magnetic field induction were administered to 31 patients (43 eyes) with primary open-angle glaucoma with compensated intraocular pressure. The operation mode was intermittent, with 1.0 to 1.5 Hz field rotation frequency by 6 radii. The procedure is administered to a patient in a sitting posture with magnetic inductor held before the eye. The duration of a session is 10 min, a course consists of 10 sessions. (Short exposure – emphasis added) Untreated eyes (n = 15) of the same patients were examined for control. The patients were examined before and 4 to 5 months after MT course. Vision acuity improved by 0.16 diopters, on an average, in 29 eyes (96.7%) out of 30 with vision acuity below 1.0 before treatment. Visocontrastometry was carried out using Visokontrastometer-DT device with spatial frequency range from 0.4 to 19 cycle/degree (12 frequencies) and 125 x 125 monitor. The orientation of lattices was horizontal and vertical. The contrasts ranged from 0.03 to 0.9 (12 levels). MT brought about an improvement of spatial contrast sensitivity by at least 7 values of 12 levels in 22 (84.6%) out of 26 eyes and was unchanged in 4 eyes. Visual field was examined using Humphry automated analyzer. A 120-point threshold test was used. After a course of MT, visual field deficit decreased by at least 10% in 31 (72%) out of 43 eyes, increased in 3, and was unchanged in 9 eyes; on an average, visual field deficit decreased by 22.4% vs. the initial value. After 4 to 5 months the changes in the vision acuity and visual field deficit were negligible. In controls these parameters did not appreciably change over the entire follow-up period.
Oftalmol Zh. 1990;(3):154-7.
[The effect of a pulsed electromagnetic field on the hemodynamics of eyes with glaucoma].
[Article in Russian]
Tsisel’skiĭ IuV, Kashintseva LT, Skrinnik AV.
The influence of pulse electromagnetic field (PEMF) on hemodynamics of the eye in open-angle glaucoma has been studied by means of a method and a device proposed at the Filatov Institute. The PEMF characteristics are: impulse frequency–50 Hz, exposition–0,02 sec., impulse shape–square, rate of impulse rise–4.10(4) c rate of magnetic induction rise–2.10(4) mT/c, amplitude value of magnetic induction at the impulse height–9.0–8.5 mT, duration of the procedure–7 min., a course–10 sessions.Observations over 150 patients (283 eyes) with latent, initial and advanced glaucoma have shown a positive influence of PEMF on hemodynamics of a glaucomatous eye: a rise of rheographic coefficient and relative volume pulse in 87,99 and 81,63%, respectively. The degree of the rise and restoration frequency of rheographic values of the glaucomatous eye under the influence of PEMF to the age norm was more expressed at initial stages of the glaucomatous process (latent and initial glaucoma).
Ter Arkh. 1990;62(9):71-4.
[The magnetotherapy of hypertension patients]. -> static magnetics
[Article in Russian]
Ivanov SG, Smirnov VV, Solov’eva FV, Liashevskaia SP, Selezneva LIu.
Vestn Oftalmol. 1990 Sep-Oct;106(5):54-7.
[Effectiveness of magnetotherapy in optic nerve atrophy. A preliminary study].
[Article in Russian]
Zobina LV, Orlovskaia LS, Sokov SL, Sabaeva GF, Kondé LA, Iakovlev AA.
Magnetotherapy effects on visual functions (vision acuity and field), on retinal bioelectric activity, on conductive vision system, and on intraocular circulation were studied in 88 patients (160 eyes) with optic nerve atrophy. A Soviet Polyus-1 low-frequency magnetotherapy apparatus was employed with magnetic induction of about 10 mT, exposure 7-10 min, 10-15 sessions per course. Vision acuity of patients with its low (below 0.04 diopters) values improved in 50 percent of cases. The number of patients with vision acuity of 0.2 diopters has increased from 46 before treatment to 75. Magnetotherapy improved ocular hemodynamics in patients with optic nerve atrophy, it reduced the time of stimulation conduction along the vision routes and stimulated the retinal ganglia cells. The maximal effect was achieved after 10 magnetotherapy sessions. A repeated course carried out in 6-8 months promoted a stabilization of the process.
Ann Otolaryngol Chir Cervicofac. 1988;105(5):397-402.
[On the contribution of magnets in sequelae of facial paralysis. Preliminary clinical study].
[Article in French]
Fombeur JP1, Koubbi G, Chevalier AM, Mousset C.
Antibiotiki. 1982 Oct;27(10):774-5.
[Action of gentamycin against a background of magnetotherapy of the anterior chamber in a traumatic infected erosion of the cornea].
[Article in Russian]
Verzin AA.
[Device for magnetotherapy of the eyes].
Skripka VK, Panin AV, Antoniuk VM, Dolgov LT.
Vestn Oftalmol. 1981 Jan-Feb;(1):58-60. Russian.
PMID: 7222357
[Magnetotherapy in ophthalmology].
Bakin LM.
Vestn Oftalmol. 1980 Sep-Oct;(5):63-5. Russian.
PMID: 7423737
[Current status of the problem of magnetotherapy and the use of magnetic fields in ophthalmology].
Skrinnik AV.
Oftalmol Zh. 1979;34(8):500-5. Review. Russian. No abstract available.
PMID: 395472
Electrical Stimulation for Vision Enhancement Bibliography
Electrical Stimulation with the purpose of enhancing limited vision has undergone enormous scientific advances during the past 10 years. The amount of evidence for restoring visual function in various diseases using Electric Stimulation is rapidly increasing.