Athletic performance enhancement / ergogenics is as simple as going to bed with an EarthPulse™ PEMF device under your mattress. EarthPulse™ PEMF provides multi-dimensional biohacking, not just athletic performance enhancement but your performance in general. A combination of physical and mental performance enhancement.
“Please review our Longevity page”
EarthPulse™ Pulsed Electromagnetic Field devices enhance deep-sleep and radically accelerate short and long-term recovery on both physical and psychological levels; while synergistically providing the most potent ergogenic, adaptogenic, anti-catabolic sports performance enhancing / ergogenic effects ever reported.
If EarthPulse™ PEMF didn’t work as well as we say it does, we’d have been out of business long ago. Since 2002, our 90-day satisfaction guarantee represents the most lenient return policy in the PEMF. Set personal records in your sports training in weeks, or return it!

Anything that can enhance athletic sports performance to the levels that we guarantee are either banned or illegal. Period. End of story.
There are no,… I repeat NO biohacking techniques that come close to EarthPulse™ either. Certainly not tDCS – transcranial direct current stimulation or any other types of electric stimulation, or vibration plates, or 3-D gaming for tuning-up reflexes, fine-tuning motor control, or increasing strength, stamina or accelerating repair. Put all those technologies together and you still won’t even come close to EarthPulse™ PEMF. Hypoxic training takes time and effort. You do this in your sleep. Can you handle that?
The Olympic Baseball player in this short video had incredible things to say about his very first EarthPulse™ session taken right beside the batting cages and how it immediately impacted batting performance and hand-eye coordination. Over 10 days his peak strength increased close to 20%.
The second video interviews a full-contact, mixed martial arts fighter reporting incredible effects on speed, punching accuracy, and strength. When asked about his punching accuracy responded… “I can catch a butterfly in a wind storm.” Reported sparring at next heavier weight class because guys he used to spar with seemed “small”. These videos are old…our 2016 v5 systems are better than ever.
The EarthPulse™ Athletic Performance Enhancement Guarantee: our EarthPulse™ ergogenic PEMF system will increase your peak strength by 10% & stamina by 20% within just 7 – 10 days. Peak strength measured by increase in resistance in 1-3 rep set. Stamina measured by added reps to previous 8-10 rep resistance level.
Earthpulse™ PEMF will increase your VO2 Max by 1% in 7-10 days, up to 3% by the end of 90 days or RETURN. If you run a field or a court you’ll run back and forth like you did have the 3rd lung Carl mentioned. You’ll beat your opponents by attrition!
And if EarthPulse™ PEMF helps you repair an old nagging issue that’s been holding you back, gains will be a lot greater than that. For example only, we include this on-point 90-day case study of a recent EarthPulse™ PEMF client.

“PEMF Therapy is in my daily routine”, reveals Gordon Pogioli. Read review by Gordon Pogioli after 10 years of EarthPulse™
Athletic Performance Enhancement Using Nighttime PEMF between 30 – 90 days:
EarthPulse™ increases strength to weight ratio, speed, reaction time; improves hand-eye-motor coordination, mental focus; radically improves your “wind-under-load”; radically accelerates short and long term recovery mechanisms for years on end. The ergogenic, adaptogenic and anabolic performance enhancing and accelerated repair mechanisms are due to improved cellular respiration and subsequently More-ATP.
An additional 10% strength and 20% stamina during months 2 – 3 for a total of 20% peak strength and 40% stamina over baseline! With NO weight-gain. There’s nothing on Earth that can affect strength to weight ratio as much as EarthPulse™ PEMF. These secondary boosts are due to some unidentified adaptogenic mechanism. At least in part. Breath-hold continues to rise for months if not years, thus indicating continuing mitochondrial morphogenesis at least until breath-hold peaks. So, it is entirely possible that mitochondrial morphogenesis is responsible for any perceived adaptogenic effects. It may be that by continually pushing your training limits, you can get the most athletic performance enhancement from the EarthPulse™ PEMF system.
EarthPulse™ ergogenic PEMF used regularly during nighttime for athletic performance enhancement is a more powerful ergogenic aid than steroids, EPO (blood doping), altitude or hypoxic training or by ANY other means whether legal, banned or flat out illegal. PERIOD. EarthPulse™ PEMF is covert, can’t be tested, and is the best sleep-aid ever created. Small and portable. All you have to do is remember to turn it on. Even professional athletes can handle that.
Many professional athletes own EarthPulse™ systems. We charge them all retail price because once they realize how much of an edge it gives them, very rarely will they risk losing that edge by even talking about it with their teammates. On the other hand, Pro’s are only too happy endorsing the stuff that (dubiously) works. If you read between the lines, you’ll recognize that no professional endorsements means this technology works as well as we say it does.
Athletic Performance Enhancement – Ergogenic PEMF Sports Performance Interviews:
Our last athletic performance enhancement interview with Ben Greenfield Fitness (March 2016)
Super Human Radio athletic performance enhancement radio archive:
- SHR2 athletic performance enhancement (most of this show is SHR listener-test-subject reviews
- SHR1 sleep and athletic performance enhancement (2006)
- SHR3 athletic performance enhancement
- SHR4 athletic performance enhancement
- SHR5 athletic performance enhancement
- SHR6 athletic performance enhancement (Dec 2011)
After about 2 weeks I broke my plateau. I had done nothing else and didn’t change my normal routine in any other way. I set a new goal of 8 plates. At 4 weeks, I hit 8 plates (360lbs + sled weight of 50lbs = 410lbs). This was the goal for my entire year! What was more shocking was that I kept upping the weight, getting a new PR about every other session. I established a new PR of 10 plates at 90 days.

How much more proof do you need? If EarthPulse™ fails to work on you you simply return it. Simple. If you had a 1 in 10 chance of the gains we’ve described, EarthPulse™ is still the deal of a century since it’s got the 90-day satisfaction guarantee. But with a chance of 10:1 success, you’d be absolutely crazy not to try this.
This next report from a new PhD. client from March 2016:
I relied heavily on two performance metrics:
The first was use of a hypoxic duration test with exercise that was mentioned in the Earth Pulse literature— an underwater swim test. I made sure *not* to practice any hypoxic breathing efforts nor do any swimming once I began using the Earth Pulse device. I took two baseline measures before I started on the Earth Pulse and got exactly 25yds both times. There’s a bit of an “anchoring effect” as one is more inclined to hold out harder to reach a complete lap and that was no doubt some of what was going on. After 3 weeks, I tried again two times and hit almost exactly 1.5 laps in the same 25yd pool, about 37 yards. This is a 48% improvement. At 4 weeks I tried again and this time came close to two laps for a total of about 42 yards a 68% improvement. At that point I lost access to that pool due to a career change and move. Parallel to this test I did a breath hold test every two weeks and moved from a starting time of 2:00 minutes even to 3:05 with improvement seen at week two and increasing through week 6. This is a 54%+ improvement!
The second kind of performance metric was very challenging “super slow set” squat sled exercise performed for 8 reps with 10 seconds concentric press and 5 seconds eccentric return for a total of 2 minutes. This kind of high power exercise is known as a VO2-max effort. These hurt, and it’s not uncommon for professional athletes to puke or pass out after a set of these. I have done these in many different forms for many different years and was stuck at a plateau of 6 plates (270 lbs + sled weight of about 50lbs = 320lbs).
After about 2 weeks of using the Earth Pulse, I broke my plateau. I had done nothing else and didn’t change my normal routine in any other way. I set a new goal for myself of 8 plates. As the weeks progressed I hit a new personal record almost every session on the sled squat. At 4 weeks, I hit 8 plates (360lbs + sled weight of 50lbs = 410lbs). This was the goal for my entire year! I was pretty shocked. What was more shocking was that I kept upping the weight, getting a new PR about every other session. I established a new PR of 10 plates! Let me reemphasize that these efforts are at your absolute limit of O2 consumption, once you’re in the deep end of your range, it is impossible to inhale because your thighs are crushing your chest. Because of this and the VO2-max nature or the exercise they are an excellent test of one’s oxygen consuming efficiency. I didn’t just eek out a breakthrough of my plateau. I achieved an accelerated break through that barrier that kept going. As I kept increasing the weight, typically by just 5lbs, I started getting close to my new “long-term” goal of 10 plates. I realized I had a chance of actually hitting the goal at 8 weeks. In the end, I pulled it off, and have since exceeded that.
What’s amazing is the amount of progress in someone who was already trained in this exercise. This is an increase from 320lbs to 500lbs, an increase of over 56% in two months. Obviously, there could be hidden factors in play and this is yet another sample size of n=1, but nonetheless a very interesting result.
EarthPulse™ PEMF Therapy device is a priceless investment in performance regardless of your age or caliber of competition. We’ve substantially improved the strength and stamina of amateur and professional competitors in just about every sport. You may be competing against one of our clients right now without ever suspecting it. EarthPulse™ works so well it’s the most closely guarded secret in professional and amateur sports.
“After 25 years of running races I finally won a race out right, no age group thing, 1st overall. I ran the 5k race on Saturday. I ran faster than I have in over 8 years and I even let up in the race. I was able to put in a surge in the middle of the race to break my competition. On Sunday I ran the half marathon, I won my age group and as a soon to be 60 year old, I was 5th overall out of over 1200 competitors.Thanks again for creating a great product. I used it to help recover from Saturday’s race to Sunday’s race. Saturday’s race was at 1:00pm and the ½ marathon was at 7:00am the next morning (less than 24 hours)!”
“All in all, I feel fantastic! I got the Earthpulse for tendonitis. That took a while to resolve but has pretty much done so now. My mood is consistently great. Testosterone levels are definitely consistently up (can be a bit distracting having T levels like years ago huh? It’s helped me achieve another goal of getting to 200 lbs at 10% body fat (the weight I’ve listed is first thing in the morning consistently). I’ve plateaued a bit on strength but am not particularly concerned as I have gained approx. 5 kg / 11 lbs of muscle in the last six months (I think it would have been half that without the EP). I think my body is consolidating current strength levels, but it’s wonderful for motivation to know I am able to keep getting stronger. Injuries are getting better, T-levels are higher, strength is up. I’m coming up for 45 but feel like I can celebrate taking a few years off! My next-day ‘delayed’ agitation has virtually gone. I can use the EP with full strength with minimal if any agitation now. However, I still choose to use it at a moderate level. Great product. Thanks Paul.”
You'll have 90 days to try EarthPulse™ risk free.
Ergogenic PEMF for Better Sleep and Peak Athletic Performance Enhancement:
Beyond peak performance! This PEMF ergogenic aid will have you setting personal performance records in weeks and then setting them again and again. No matter if you’re 19 y.o,…or 90.
“Each progressive spirit is opposed by a thousand mediocre minds appointed to guard the past.” ~ Maurice Maeterlinck
EarthPulse™ PEMF during sleep is a more potent ergogenic aid for enhanced athletic performance than anything reported in the scientific literature. Our PEMF system is designed to last at least 5 years and will save you a TON on your training and nutritional supplements, paying for itself in the first 3-12 months depending on your supplements regimen. Nothing enhances sports performance like EarthPulse™.
From Dan a long-time v4 client and avid kick-boxer / instructor reporting on his v.4 to v5Pro upgrade:
“First night on the 5Pro version, slept really good. I measure my HRV with Sweetwater everyday, so saw an increase this day. Will keep you posted on the process. Thanks for the quick delivery.”
“My HRV is going up, or stay the same everyday, allowing me to train if I want. Before while using the v4, I’ve been using the sweet water HRV app for a month. Only allowing me to train light every other day, it only allowed me to train normal 3 times in that time! Since I got the Pro I’ve been allowed to train normal/hard everyday. Big difference in sleep on the new recovery mode.”
“I’m using the app with a chest strap polar H7, every morning for measuring the HRV. It is the best one, you’ll see differences in both parasympathetic and sympathetic difference. So you get a correct measuring what’s happening in your body. I’m still doing those 16-17hrs a day, with 9hrs normal job and after that I teach a couple hrs 4 times per week. So it seems to recover me much greater, the older version is not even close to this. And you know how much I loved the EarthPulse before. Will keep your posted.”
“Thursdays we have a pad session, where I’m holding pads nonstop for 45 minutes, switching between 2 fighters. They rest for 1 minute, while the one works with me, I don’t rest. So that is high-intensity training, every Friday morning since I started measuring the HRV(4weeks) it’s been down at least 20 points on Friday mornings when you measure it. And it takes the whole weekend to recover the HRV from these sessions. This Friday morning was the first one sleeping on the Pro Thursday night. It dropped 3 points!! And I’m back to normal today. Steroid PEMF! thanks Paul”
“Hi Paul, I still haven’t had one day were the HRV didn’t allow me to train as usual since I got the new Pro! On Monday I have had a full weekend of rest, it flew up 20 points! Over the week it slowly went down, but I was still allowed to train “as usual” every day. Take in to account that I, get up 05 in the morning, and get home at 9.30-9,45 in the evening 4 times a week. And yesterday I did this pad holding session again, on top of that I did 10 sets for 3s of heavy deadlifts. Just checked the app in the morning with 6 hrs of sleep, it went up from 66 to 75!!”
Ergogenic Aid |
Proposed Ergogenic Activity |
Research on Action |
Side Effects |
Legal? |
amphetamines | improves focus, decrease fatigue and appetite | mixed, some support as significant | significant, dangerous, potential to be habit forming | banned |
anabolic steroids | increases strength, lean muscle mass, and motivation | supports | significant & dangerous | illegal |
androstenediol | increases strength, lean muscle mass, and motivation | limited benefit, refutes | unknown | banned by Olympics |
androstenedione | increases strength, lean muscle mass, and motivation | some benefit | significant | banned by Olympics and NCAA |
blood doping | increases aerobic capacity | supports significant benefit | dangerous | illegal |
DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) | increases endogenous steroid production | of little benefit in healthy athlete | potentially dangerous | banned by Olympics |
ephedrine | stimulates CNS, increases energy, delays fatigue, stimulates weight loss | some benefit | potentially dangerous | banned by Olympics and other organizations |
caffeine | increases muscle contractility and aerobic endurance, enhances fat metabolism | supports | mild | legal to certain urine levels |
EarthPulse™ Magnetic Field Supplementation | enhances sleep, improves wind-under- load, increases VO2Max, upregulates synaptic conductivity & endocrine – neuroendocrine pathways, sharpens hand-eye / balance / motor synchronization; improves focus, mood and motivation; helps support connective and muscle tissue; increases peak strength 10% minimum; stamina 20% minimum; raises blood and tissue oxygen levels by decreasing rate of O2 burn, thereby increasing aerobic capacity, improving flexibility, reducing free radical production, reducing or eliminating need for anaerobic metabolism altogether thereby reducing lactic acid production; reduce training related soreness by 90% | routinely supports the effects reported in the previous column or your money back. read the emails below. | no known detrimental side-effects identified since 2002: no sleep dependancy either. You’ll sleep better without it than before you owned it; even without turning it on because it helps retrain the circadian rhythm. | covert, undetectable |
Athletic Performance Enhancement Ergogenic PEMF for More-ATP
We offer our RBH (Resting-Breath-Hold) test as proof of enhanced oxygen metabolism (more ATP from each breath of air). Athletic performance enhancment using Ergogenic PEMF will make you feel like you’ve grown a 3rd lung. We guarantee you can raise your waking saturated blood oxygen level 1 – 2% over a weekend just by sleeping; or 3-5% in 10 days if you’re 94% or less at baseline either due to poor health or altitude.
Nighttime Ergogenic PEMF for Peak Athletic Performance Enhancement
The chart at left was compiled at 6000 Ft Altitude. We’ve collected RBH data on 100’s or our clients since 2006. This data PROVES improved cell respiration/oxygen utilization from between 20% to more than 100% in 90 days regardless of whether elderly or athletic. This is unprecedented in the scientific literature. Drawing O2 from blood slower results in higher saturated blood and tissue oxygen.
Case Study: Two professional swimmers with baseline 100% SAO2 increased their resting (static) breath hold by 19% & 20%. Underwater swim (one breath) up by 50% in both from 50M – 75M! More than twice the increase under load than at rest. Unprecedented in the literature! Impossible by any other technology on Earth. PRICELESS for competitive athletes. One of these two swimmers went undefeated in FINA world cup in 3 events. 21 wins, 21 races, 3 distances x 7 cities. And he hadn’t competed at the 200M distance since college prior to that year at 26 y.o.. He was skeptical too,… at first.
The resting breath-hold test is a low-tech yet quite accurate (give or take 5%) method of testing the mitochondrial rate of oxygen burn and subsequently ATP for the cells. If the same volume of air can sustain the body longer at rest, then mitochondrion is each burning the same volume of oxygen, SLOWER & MORE EFFICIENTLY. Blows hypoxic / altitude training away with no effort whatsoever. If you can process oxygen more efficiently at rest, we’ve found you can enhance athletic performance and in game situations, run circles around the competition.
“I have been measuring my RBH – first time (prior to use) was 90 seconds. Second time (5 days later) was 125 seconds. Wow!”
This effect can NOT be measured by saturated blood oxygen where at 99-100% already. Where SAO2 testing 100% in world class athletes, RBH test increased 20% in 45 days; this effect is amplified under load. There isn’t an ergogeic aid on Earth that can accomplish this.
See our Athletic Performance Enhancement experiment emails from Super Human Radio participants below for exceptional results in every one of the participants but for one drop out due to acclimation issues (sleeping worse).
The two-output v.5Pro: better than 2x better full body coverage than our single output v.5 (check the equine link in navigation bar for our v.5Equine Performance Enhancement System that may be easily split between two people, two coils on each side of the bed).

Ergogenic PEMF: World’s most potent anti-catabolic, adaptogenic sports performance enhancement for athletic longevity. The EarthPulse PEMF device keeps our 58 y.o. Product Developer in good shape and competitive despite being chained to his desk 10 hours or more per day.
You'll have 90 days to try EarthPulse™ risk free.
Sports Performance Enhancement PEMF Customer Emails:
Mike is a former nationally ranked power lifter; fighting full contact martial arts and wrestling:
Emails from Mike
date Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 8:05 AM
bench press 405 3 reps (check below its up to 8!)
shoulder press dumbbells 135 5 reps
shrugs 235 20 i don’t max on these
squats 405 4×10 (that’s 4 sets of 10 reps; in the radio interview he’s up to 20 reps though number of sets was not disclosed)
leg extensions the stack 10 reps
holding breath 45 sec
date Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 7:25 AM
this thing is amazing, after 3 days I have stopped snoring, I woke up with no aches or pains, I wasn’t stiff and I slept till 5 30 before I woke up….
I was scheduled to do Monday Night Raw (pro-wrestling) this coming mon so I was doing allot of endurance work I’ll hit the bench and the others next week but here is an example of me workouts My cardio is way up
all exercises listed are done in succession with no break for 3 total sets
medicine ball 20×20 40×20 60×20
standing curls superset 135 x15 75 x20
skull crushers 135×20
pushdows 75x 15
kickbacks 20 x 15
2 min sled mill a sled mill is a manually operated treadmill with no motor abs
date Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 4:51 PM
I checked my breath it was 1 min 8 sec
date Mon, May 5, 2008 at 7:28 PM
squated 235 for 4 sets of 50
benched 405 x8
shoulder press did i give you dumbells or straight bar
i wll grab my stop watch and do the breath thing
my sleep is amazing!!!!!!
date Mon, May 5, 2008 at 8:50 PM
it went up nearly 160%!! jeez man, that’s pretty unbelievable. can’t wait to get the rest of the stats.
bench press 405 3 reps NOW 8 REPS!
shoulder press dumbbells 135 5 reps
shrugs 235 20 i don’t max on these
squats 405 4×10
leg extensions the stack 10 reps
Frank is currently an internationally ranked 50+ age category power-lifter.
On Tue, Apr 8, 2008 at 12:33 PM, Frank wrote:
Looking forward to working with your device!
Here are my stats:
Powerlifting 55 yrs.old, 306 lbs.
Squat: 848 lbs.
Benchpress: 600 lbs.
Deadlift: 633 lbs.
Breath Hold: 50 secs.
Sleep disturbance: waking 3-4 times a night.
date Sat, Apr 12, 2008 at 5:05 PM
So far pretty cool results. First night I only got up once and the energy at work was awesome (i start at 5:30 am). Last night I slept 10 hrs. and also got up only once. In my workout today my squats flew up. I’m getting ready to take a power nap using the device. Then I will use it on my elbow. This will be interesting! You asked me to remind you to send a new magnet. Hope all is well.
date Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 11:34 AM
Very interesting things have transpired since using the device (ONE WEEK). My sleep has very much improved as in I only get up once a night to urinate. Three times I slept through the night without waking to use the bathroom. On “Sleep Mode” I fall asleep very quickly, although I use the “Recover Mode” most of the time. I sometimes feel a little groggy after using the “Recover Mode.” My lifts are improving! I haven’t done a “Max Effort Test” yet, but my training lifts are going up. I will do a “Max Effort Test” in the next couple of weeks. My energy throughout the day is phenomenal, especially in the morning at work (I start at 5:30am.) My “Breath Hold” has improved by 36%!! 50sec. to 68 sec.
I have a question: I sleep in a recliner (back issue) and have the device on the floor, just below my lower back. Would it be better if I somehow attached the device to the back of the chair, bringing it closer to my body? I thought of using some kind of velcro enclosure.
Thanks for including me in this experiment! I can’t wait for more performance surprises!!
date Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 12:56 PM
I had to write since I’ve had another amazing improvement in the breath holding test. Just 3 nights of utilizing the device (1/2″) from my back, I’ve improved my hold time an additional 25 sec!!! So from an initial 50 sec. to 68 sec. (36% increase) the first week, to 93 seconds. the second week. An improvement of 86% over baseline in two weeks!! Shit!! What the hell is the larger magnet going to do?!?!? Damn! This is fun! Thanks!
date Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 1:43 PM
Unfortunately, my elbow has not responded as of yet, but I still have faith. It’s a very nagging injury. Despite the pain, I’ve seen improvement in my training lifts. My bench press where the bar rests 6 inches off my chest suspended from chains (concentric only, movement) has improved by 50 lbs. My box Squat has improved by 55 lbs. My “breath hold” as I have indicated in my last email has improved tremendously; baseline 50 sec. to 93 sec. in a couple of weeks!! I’m hoping that the stronger magnet that you are sending me will help my elbow further.
date Thu, May 15, 2008 at 12:37 PM
Summer has arrived and it was 99 F yesterday and it’s supposed to be 110 F today! Whew! It came on fast. My bench was up another 20 lb., it’s starting to taper, which is understandable since I’ve gained 120 lbs. on that particular exercise !!!(benching off the chains.) I haven’t done a full range max bench as of yet because I’m still having problems with my elbow. Although it seems to be healing.
I did Good Mornings (I haven’t been able to do these for over a year, because of my back) on Tuesday. Worked up to 455 lb. with no pain!! I should have no problem doing dead lifts once again. Cool! Tested my breath hold with no improvement. I think the heat has something to do with it.
Rosanne is a nationally ranked fitness/figure competitor rehabing from a bad
date Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 3:44 PM
hamstring injury about 6 months ago.
As far as my exercises:
PRE injury:
Leg Press: 230 lbs x 10 reps
Squat: 225 lbs x 10 reps
Leg extn: 90 lbs x 10 reps (usually drop set 90×10/80/70/60/50)
Leg curl: 70x 10 reps
Shoulder press: always drop set: 30 lb dumbbells x 10 reps/25/20/15/12/10
Lat Pull Down: 90×10
Bench Press (always used dumbbells): 30 lbs dumbbells
POST injury: Doing mostly bodyweight stuff lower bod. I’ll get you my #’s as far as weights this week. Not training to add size anymore so my workouts are a lot different than they were pre injury.
20-30 min HIIT (high intensity interval training).
Day one: Warm up 5 min, I do one minute at about level 9 and then one minute about level 3. To 15 minutes then cool down for 5. Total = 20 min. Usually run stairs outside, stepmill, sprint/jog outside as my cardio. I have NO endurance. I am BEAT by the end of the intensity minute and need the ENTIRE minute of recovery. And am still hurting from the intense minute. I’m red faced and panting by the time all is said and done.
Day 2: 30 min to 1 hr light intensity. Usually walking for an hour.
Day 3: HIIT 20 minutes: 30 sec high/level 8. 90 sec low/level 4. Obviously easier than the minute/minute day but still rough. By the end of 20 min, I’m hurting.
Day 4: light intensity activity (usually walk between 1/2 hr and 1 hr). I can walk forever and ever, its the intense sprinting that I lack endurance.
Since the injury, I feel extremely out of shape cardiovascularly. I used to be able to go hardcore for 2 hours of straight cardio. I have never been a huge fan of cardio and have never had too much endurance as far as running or intense cardio. After I got injured, I was not able to do ANYTHING because even upper body they said would put stress on the injury. Its been 6 months. You think the addition of the device will help bring back my cardio endurance quickly? (I hope so! haha)
As far as hamstring pain: i’m usually ok. Sometimes i “feel it” but not too much pain. Its more annoying than painful, if that makes sense. The only time it REALLY HURTS me is if i start sprinting too quickly without it being warmed up properly. I haven’t lifted with a lot of weight since the tear, so I’m unsure how the leg would handle it. Pre injury my legs were insanely strong – quads especially and my hamstrings lag in comparison; hence the reason it was so easy to tear, so says the doctor. Now, I’m not so sure – -probably both are weak, haha.
On Wed, Apr 9, 2008 at 11:51 AM, Rosanne> wrote:
I did my first resting breath hold last night. Unfortunately, I have come down with either the flu or a terrible cold and my breath hold only lasted for 30 seconds before I thought my head was going to explode. Also, I should probably make note that I am asthmatic – -not sure if you need to know that, if it will effect the results.
I have a question on the device: Am I supposed to physically feel the magnet vibrating? I don’t feel a vibration at all and there isn’t a polarization ring, so I’m not sure if something is wrong. (or maybe the something wrong is me…hahhaah)
Thanks so much,
date Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 10:51 AM
I am just starting to feel better, thanks! I’m not even sure what I had, but whatever it was, it was a wicked one. Thanks for checking up on me. And likewise, I hope all is well with you!
Here’s an update of my first week: I took your advice and slept for 12 hrs at a time on Wed, Thurs and Friday nights. I laid around a lot of the day on Thurs and Fri with the device on, but couldn’t really sleep all that much. Sat I slept 11 hrs and since, I’ve been getting about 8-9 hrs per night. I noticed that I get exhausted around 9-10 pm. I don’t get the sinking into the bed feeling yet but I do feel like I sleep soundly. I’m still having trouble waking up in the morning, I still want to sleep when my alarm rings (I’ve NEVER been a morning person, its always pretty difficult for me to get up and I LOVE the SNOOZE button…hahaha), but the exhaustion could possibly be related to getting over this crazy virus. I have tons of energy during the day which I’m happily surprised b/c I stopped taking fat burner supplements when I started using the device and also cut my coffee consumption down. My caff. is mostly a few cups of green tea through out the day.
Yesterday was my first day back to training. Now THIS is where I was the most impressed. As I told you my normal cardio pre-EP was a grueling barely 20 min HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) session before I petered out and gave up. Yesterday was beautiful here in NJ, so I decided to run stairs at the local high school. Although the high intensity (sprint) intervals were still as tough as usual, I WANTED to keep going past 20 min. My total cardio was 35 min, I could have kept going, but it was starting to get cold so I did some push-ups and called it a day. I also noticed, even though the sprints were still difficult, I felt more motivated to push myself throughout the duration of my cardio. It was the first time I felt “a fire” during training since the last time I was training for a show. That athlete mindset of mind over matter, push through it is back, what a great feeling!
I am at work now, so I will do my breath hold tonight and be back in touch.
Thanks so much!
date Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 11:02 AM
OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!! You’re not going to believe this (or actually, you probably will)…my breath hold is 1 min 4 sec (64 s)!!!! Can you believe that???? I know the first one (30 s) was “dirty” but I didn’t think I’d be over a minute so soon!!! WOW!!!! I’m totally impressed beyond words!!!!
I’m SO anxious to start lifting again, next week. I want to beg my trainer to clear me (and my hammy) to get back into the gym sooner…but I know he won’t let me! darn!
date Thu, May 15, 2008 at 9:46 AM
I’m doing great!
My hamstring: so far so good. My trainer has me doing tons of reps of bodyweight stuff so I don’t go overboard and hurt myself again my first few (4 he said) weeks back….holy SORENESS in my legs. Training for reps is soooo much more painful than training for weight. BUT I have to say, I think my endurance is def increasing. I can push to the last rep, even though the muscle group is SCREAMING!!!! I feel the hamstring “twinge” a little but nothing painful or awful, more, I just “feel it.” Cardio…has been great, I actually jumped out of bed to run yesterday morning at 7 am. Getting up early is pretty much unheard of for me, so I was pleasantly excited!! Hopefully that will last.
Still very energetic…not crazy feeling like I was in the beginning so hopefully everything hormonal managed to catch up. Feeling GREAT.
I will do the breath hold from home tonight….I’m gonna be sure to do it as you suggested last time, take the loading time perfectly, pick a spot and do the same every week.
Do you know when your SHR show airs? I can’t wait to listen. Keep me posted!!!! 🙂
Thank you as always!!
date Fri, May 16, 2008 at 12:20 PM
OK AGAIN, I AM SHOCKED…..i really concentrated on the loading phase this time. I took REALLY deep breaths in concentrating on filling my lungs up completely…I think thats what I was doing wrong in the past. My result: are you sitting down… hold is up to one minute and 28 seconds!! Could this be true????? Unbelievable, I know my starting hold was “dirty” but yet again, I’m AMAZED!!!!
Mike: PhD student – Kinesiology, Russian Kettleball Certified Instructor.
On Apr 6, 2008 at 10:23 PM
Just wanted to let you know I got the unit–thanks again. I did recover one night and sleep the other times. Can’t say which was better yet, but I had a pretty good performance at the Tactical Strength Challenge on Sat.
Breath hold was at about 50 seconds and tonight was 1:06
On Apr 14, 2008 at 07:23 PM
Breath hold seated with nose plugged max hold time after 1 min of slow, deep breathing was 51 seconds. Got 8.5 hours of sleep last night.
after 1 week: 1:15
increase of 24 seconds. 24 on the original 51 means your hold is up almost 50%
Sleep has been better and I feel more rested with fewer hours so far. I toss and turn less at night.
date Sun, May 18, 2008 at 11:29 PM
Here are my notes.
Breath hold was 1:08
Considering all that is going on, I was very happy with tonight’s session!
Up 17% from session 1 month ago, and I was training for the TSC so this was not a completely “new stimulus” to me. I will be sure to be prompt this week in updating on my blog.
Changed up training supplements based on feedback from Dave Barr in his Anabolic Index books. Read through the first one (the manual) already and really good stuff.
Normally would start Surge/hydro pro 15 minutes before training and finish up after training (sip during training)
Changed to 40 grams hydrolyzed protein, 5 gm BCAAs, 30 gm CHO finished 15 minutes before training (in 1 L water)
During training–water only 15 minutes after training, same as above, but add 5 gm creatine (have been using creatine on training days for a long time now)
Meal 1 hr after post train shake
Also adding in more protein before bed and faster pro in the AM about 2 weeks ago dropped beta alanine to save some coin. Not sure if it has made any difference or not. Won’t know until I add it back in again towards the end/middle of June
KB session (outside, music Hatebreed)
warm up 16 X 5/5, 24 x 5/5
KB snatches, all wts in Kg
3 continuous “rounds”
24 x 12/12
28 x 8/8
32 x 6/6
24 x 12/12
28 x 8/8
32 x 6/6
24 x 12/12
28 x 5/5
32 x 5/5
Last good session (last session I was sick and did not finish)
time 17:15 vol 3,656 and density 3.53 kg/sec
This session
goal was to break 17:00 and vol of 4,000 kg
actual 16:30 (cut almost 45 seconds off!!!)
vol 3,964
density 4.00 kg/sec (up about .5 kg/sec!)
First session done on 4/20 at 3.32 kg/sec density
so up about 17% in 1 month
this includes a stressful month
and dropping beta alanine!
And I was coming off the TSC, so I was training KB work in a higher
rep style, so this was not completely new
Breath hold for Sun night before training 1:08
date Tue, May 27, 2008 at 9:52 AM
Breath hold jumped up to 1:25 last night. Not sure why, but I am not going to complain. Did it the exact same way as always. The only change is that lately my whole body has been pissed off at me and my neck was bugging me so the last 2 nights (before breath hold test) I slept with the unit under my pillow. Seemed to help, esp the second night and last night. Still using recovery mode and I was able to get in 10 hours of sleep the night before the breath hold test too. Feeling much better this AM and off to present at ACSM tomorrow-Sat.
Plan to get back on track with more training once I am back. Tried to lift a few times in the past 4 days and my body was not having any of it (too much stress will do that).
Husband and wife team using free weights training for general fitness.
date Mon, May 5, 2008 at 11:28 PM
Here’s my old and new numbers, good improvements on every movement.
April 5, 2008 May 5, 2008
Bench press max 295 300………………..1.6%
10 rep max bench 205 215……………….5%
pullups extra wide 5 reps 8 reps…………..60%
row machine 200# 8 reps 10 reps………….25%
inclined dumbell curls 30#-12 reps 40#-12 reps….25%
Breath hold 1:15 1:30………………20%
body weight 207 pounds 209 pounds…….1%
curls dumbells 20#-5reps each side 20#-8reps each side……..60%
overhead tricep ext 20#-10 reps 20#-10 reps………………….0%
pullups 3 reps 4 reps……………………………25%
side lateals 5#-10reps 5#-15reps……………………..50%
bent over lateral raises 10#-10 reps 12#-10 reps…………………..20%
breath hold 45 secs 47 secs…………………………..4%
Kimberly says that the earthpulse has substantially helped her pain from the auto accident, she had nightmares every night before starting using the earthpulse and they have totally ceased since we started using it, and she feels refreshed every morning. It has even helped her restless leg problems
Ken is a college aged cross training hockey player (had the flu for 2 weeks of the last month)
date Sun, May 18, 2008 at 10:01 PM
Height 5′ 10″
Weight 174 pounds
Dumbbell Bench Repetition
Baseline: 2 x 45 pound dumbbells x 23 repetitions
22 April: 2 x 50 x 18 repetitions
13 may: 2 x 45 x 25 repetitions
Military Overhead Dumbbell Press
7 April: 45’s x 8 reps
11 April: 50’s x 8 reps
16 May: 55’s x 5 reps
Max Full Back Squat
255 pounds x 2 reps
22 April: 270 x 1
5 May + 12 May: Failed on 275
Chin Up
Baseline Body weight x 8 reps
15 April body weight x 10 reps
18 April body weight + 20 pounds x 4 reps
16 May body weight + 25 pounds x 3 reps
Single Leg 5 Bound
17 April Left: 36’ 6”
Right: 36’ 8”
16 May Left: 37’ 10”
Right: 38’ 2”
One Arm Dumbbell Row
15 April 90 lb dumbbells x 6
13 May 110lb dumbbells x 6