Test the electromagnet(s) to ensure that the magnetic field is being produced by them. If you have a dual magnet system, test both your electromagnets.
- Switch on the system and start a program. With blue-diode blinking; lay the fatter rounded side of the ring across the center of the solid electromagnet core (as shown in the photo below);
Raise ring 1/4-1/2 inch (1-2 cm) above core to feel pulsing signal;
- Move to 3/4 inch or 2-3 cm above the core and it is very weak if not relatively unnoticeable;
- Use UP/DOWN arrow keys while active and hold the ring at 1/4 inch (1MM)
position to feel amplitude change.
Remember, you must have the EDGE of the ring suspended 1/4-1/2 inch (1-2m) above the center of the core as pictured to be able to feel the pulse. If no pulse is felt, unplug the magnet and re-plug firmly. Make sure to spin the jack while inserting it into the plug.
Electromagnet Heat
At 100% amplitude, coils reach 117ºF (47ºC) at 10-hours run-time under a feather pillow in Alert-Mode (maximum pulse rate). If this completely safe level of heat makes you uneasy, operate at lower amplitude when the magnet is trapped in bedding. While it may feel hot to touch on the palm side of the hand, it should feel a bit more than warm to the back of the hand. At boot amplitude (70%) there is little to no heat depending upon the type of bedding and ambient temperature. We believe that the coil at 117ºF is perfect heat for long-duration local use, and works synergistically with our PEMF.